Hello and thanks for dropping by!

My name is Chris and I love drinking coffee so much that I also started collecting it. Not the beans and not the designer bags they come in, but the spent grounds.

Image showing spent coffee grounds spread out on paper to dry.

Yes, the soggy powder that you throw away after a nice cuppa joe. Or, if you’re a keen gardener you probably add them to your compost heap. Some folks even do imaginary things with their spent grounds, like unclogging their drains or fortune telling.

I don’t do any of those things. I dry my grounds and then simply keep them. In big barrels in our basement and garage. I enjoy having a lot of them and thinking about all of the stories, known und unknown, behind them.

The short version of how it started was with my discovery of single origin beans. These are beans grown in a single growing area, sometimes even on a single farm. So far my armchair travels via delicious cups of coffee have taken me to 57 countries. Some of them I had not even heard of before discovering them through coffee. Here’s an animated bar chart of where every coffee that I’ve drunk from April 2005 to the end of 2022 has come from:

Please use the highest video quality to view.

On this website you read more about it. If you’re interested in a longer version of how this started, click here. Like any collection, this one has its highlights that you can read about here. The question that everybody asks is: what am I going to do with it?

Viennese grounds are a homage to cafés and the Kaffeehaus.

You can become part of The Insane Coffee Project. Please drop by my contact page to find out how, or to get in contact with me. I would be thrilled to hear from you!

A photograph of me holding out a tamper with olive wood handle towards the viewer.